Mar 29, 2017

When shopping for a diamond, there are several important factors to keep in mind… is it GIA certified? What’s the cut grade… is the diamond cut too deep? The color/clarity? All these things are important, but just glancing at the certificate online is not enough.

For example, two diamonds with the same clarity grade can look vastly different. An SI2 grade can mean subtle white inclusions, but it can also mean black carbon flecks that are visible to the naked eye.


An SI2 diamond with visible carbon inclusions, clear to the naked eye.


An SI2 with white inclusions that are visible, but off to the side and not quite as noticeable.


Differences in depth are also very important. You could be comparing two diamonds that both weigh a carat, but one looks smaller than the other. Why is that? It has to do with the cut of the diamond. When a diamond is cut too deep, the weight is in the belly of the stone. As a result, the diameter is smaller and the diamond will look smaller than it should.

Two 1-carat diamonds. The one on the left, cut deeper, is visibly smaller-looking than the one on the right.


Part of the weight of the diamond on the left is hidden in its thick, bruted girdle.


These differences in cut and inclusion type are also reflected in the price. An SI2 diamond with white inclusions off to the side can fetch $1000-1500 more than an SI2 with black flecks in the center. Same goes for a diamond that weighs a carat but looks like a 0.75 carat. Buying a diamond is not like buying a car, where two cars of the same year, make, model, color and package will be exactly the same. Every diamond is unique and even if two diamonds have the same characteristics on paper, there are nuances and characteristics that will be different and need to be seen in person!